Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Start!

When Nick got deployed I decided that spending time in the gym would help pass time. In September I didn't like working out, I would have rathered sit home watch my shows and play with the kids. But I needed something to make my days go back quicker with out Nick. I didn't except to fall in love with the gym. I have lost 30 pounds since September and now have a love for the gym! If I can do it you can too!
  •  I work out for an hour a day Monday-Saturday. I don't stress about going..If i don't have a sitter I don't go. If there is something els that we have planned I don't stress about making it to the gym. Its tough enough to balance kids on your own and to make it to the gym everyday. I do my best to balance both! Don't stress about it!
  • Making healthy meals for your kids/family and yourself can get tough to please them all. What I have found to work out best is I haven't changed what the kids eat.. I just have changed what I eat. For example- Tonight I we are eating Baja Chicken. The kids will have a baked potatoes and some corn. I will have the chicken and some salad. Just cause your eating different doesn't mean it has to be hard to make meals! I also like to make extra chicken so I can eat in for lunches.
  • Protein! I have bought the protein whey from wal mart and bodybuilding.com. I much rather the bodybuilding.com taste over Wal Marts. I drink on for breakfast usually, I'm not a big breakfast eater, and a snack and then one right after my work out. This helps build muscle and muscle burns FAT! At first I had to choke this stuff down. Now I actually like it!
  • Reward yourself! But remember your not a dog so don't reward yourself with food. I reward myself with gym clothes! I really love this yoga pants from Victoria Secrets. So when I loss 10 more pounds I get to order them!:) Find something you want/need and work for it. Do small goals so you can reward yourself often but still work for your reward!
  • Take pictures of yourself! I hate this! But I do it. It helps me look back and think "How did ever let myself go like that". It will remind you why your working so hard and you also can see your progress through out.
  • Drink Water.... A LOT of it! Your body needs to be hydrated to loss weight and gain muscle. When you pee clear ... that's when you know your hydrated! (OK this is hard for me because my vitamins make my pee neon yellow.) But try drinking about a gallon a day! NO POP! Your body is not made to digest pop and it is awful for you body! It also expands your stomach and eat more then needed! So NO POP!
I fallow the work out plan on bodybuilding.com under the fat loss program! It kicks my butt but I love it! I also use the vitamins that they suggest off there as well! Its a great website for food plans, work outs and tips! Ill be posting a picture and my weight each week! Follow me with my weight lost goals and getting fit!


  1. you're AMAZING! i just wish you lived closer so i could do it too with you. i have a fear of going to the gym by myself and having people watch me.

  2. Ha Ha Annie I hate when ppl watch me too! But once you start going you will learn ppl don't care!

  3. Love this! I love the idea of rewarding yourself and NOT with food. Can't wait to see your progress :)

  4. I love this. I have been trying to lose 15 lbs for almost a year. I am dying!! But I just gotta do it so I will be happier. thanks for your post
